Typical Savings

The typical savings associated with the implementation of real-time RF material handling technology, resulting in inventory accuracy approaching 99.9%, are detailed below:

Benefits/Savings Commonly Achieved

  • Higher inventory turns with lower levels of safety stock
  • Less inventory obsolescence resulting from detailed inventory visibility and the application FIFO logic
  • Greatly improved order picking accuracy with less short customer chargebacks
  • Reduced order cycle time with improved on-time shipments

Enhanced Material Handling Productivity

  • Disciplined, orderly and controlled receipt and stocking of goods with more rapid availability of goods for allocation to customer orders
  • Unquestionably the most efficient mode of stock putaway, customer order picking and picklane replenishment
  • Detailed employee operating productivity data providing the as is for staff performance analysis and performance incentives
  • Reduced material handler training time and expense as RF tasks are “documented” and structured on mobile RF devices and are easily understood by employers
  • Improved reserve stock storage cube utilization, especially when random stock storage is employed
  • More efficient or elimination of physical inventories with periodic/background use of cycle counting and demonstrably accurate inventory records
  • Huge reduction in the flood of paper documents, with less lost paperwork (Where did that PickTicket go?) and a vast reduction in the onerous key entry of data

Other Benefits and Savings

  • Quantum leap in customer service capabilities with real-time visibility of inventory and order status… rapid problem resolution with enhanced order tracing and tracking capabilities
  • Improved shipping controls giving assurance that “everything that goes out the dock door is invoiced”
  • Improved receiving controls giving assurance that “everything that is paid for was in fact received”